Heritage workshops
Wednesdays, September 9, 16, 23 and 30 at Box 11, mediation service at the Transportation camp, Saint-Laurent du Maroni.
The town of Saint-Laurent du Maroni, labeled City of Art and History, is offering you on Wednesdays 9,16,23 and 30 September, a cycle of introductory workshops to making WAX fabric accessories with the artisans Chairme JUBITHANA and Marie VIGNE.
The sessions will take place in box 11 of the Transportation camp from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Guided by the two craftswomen, come and discover how to make a bag or hat in WAX, this colorful printed fabric very popular in Africa and around the world!
Price: 40 € for 4 sessions - On reservation - Limited places: 8 adults maximum per session. Mask required.
Registration and information with the heritage mediation service of the City of Saint-Laurent on 0694 42 42 99 or by email: mediation.ciap@saintlaurentdumaroni.fr
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Lancements 2022
Vol 259 Ariane 5