Projection : Ciné-Maguy
Le 17 février à 18h30 au Pôle architecture et Patrimoine, 13 avenue Léopold Héder à Cayenne.
Screening: Cine-Maguy
February 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Architecture and Heritage Center, 13 avenue Léopold Héder in Cayenne.
MAGUY is happy to be able to resume its CINE-MAGUY and therefore invites you to the screening of 2 documentaries this Thursday, at 6:30 p.m., at the Architecture and Heritage Pole, 13, avenue Léopold Héder.
“25 VERDE” and “In Martinique, Creole gardens have memories”.
The theme of the House of Architecture of French Guiana, for 2022, will develop around architecture and the place of plants in architecture and urban space.
We are therefore expecting many of you, so that we can debate after the screening, if you wish.
Note: entry is by membership, annual, for the modest sum of €5.
Membership, then allowing you to attend all the screenings of the year.
Architecturally yours
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Lancements 2022
Vol 259 Ariane 5