Dans une lettre, destinée aux élus locaux, Gérard PRIVAT, Président d’Action Solidaire, exprime ses inquiétudes face aux élections municipales des 20 et 27 juin et le risque de «désintérêt des électeurs et un déficit démocratique».
« Madame le Maire, Monsieur le Maire, Mesdames et Messieurs les Conseillers,
In a letter addressed to local elected officials, Gérard PRIVAT, Chairman of Action Solidaire, expresses his concerns about the municipal elections of June 20 and 27 and the risk of "voters' disinterest and a democratic deficit".
"Madam Mayor, Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen, Councilors,
Democracy is ringing the alarm bell!
For the elections of June 20 and 27, candidatures are lacking for certain mandates of Departmental Councilors.
Some cantons have unique candidacies which will lead to voter disinterest and a democratic deficit.
The large French regions, intended on the model of the German "landers" to achieve similar functions, were organized with a view to supplanting the State and the Nation in the current European context.
The essential democratic role of the departments, between the state and the municipalities, is in the process of institutional abandonment (some deputies have even suggested that they be abolished).
It will then be enough, unfortunately, to give more power to the new communities (communities of communes, agglomerations, communities of agglomerations, metropolises) and to put them in direct relation with the regions to make obsolete the role of the departments and supplant the role of the communes.
—You have certainly observed that these intermediate communities keep elected officials away from voters and increase the political disinterest of the People.
We will then find ourselves with regional elected representatives by lists and elected representatives from intermediate communities outside universal suffrage.
We will thus have "leaders" disconnected from the People!
I have already said and written ...
Local elected officials, Mayors and Municipal Councilors, you are the most solid institutional bulwark of democracy!
Your fellow citizens must know the important and even essential role that can be yours in the democratic and economic life of the Nation.
“How many of you, hundreds of thousands of local elected officials, every day on the ground, have been confronted with physical assault?
Even if they are justly reprehensible, he would be happy to avoid slaps.
Your closeness to your fellow citizens, in a simple and sincere relationship, makes you exemplary.
This exemplary nature is your best protection! -
Be assured, Madam Mayor, Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen Councilors, of my deep respect for your dedication to your fellow citizens ”
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Lancements 2022
Vol 259 Ariane 5