Durant la première partie de la saison sèche, entre juillet et septembre, la canopée guyanaise se voit dotée ça et là d’explosions de couleurs, qui teintent, de façon originale et spectaculaire, le manteau d’ordinaire uniformément vert de la forêt tropicale.
Il s’agit bien souvent des ébènes qui, en pleine floraison, ont perdu l’ensemble de leur feuillage pour faire place à d’innombrables fleurs tubulaires à polliniser.
During the first part of the dry season, between July and September, the Guyana canopy sees itself here and there with explosions of colors, which color, in an original and spectacular way, the usually uniform green coat of the tropical forest.
It is often ebony which, in full bloom, has lost all of their foliage to make room for countless tubular flowers to pollinate.
Green ebony flower (Tabebuia serratifolia) photographed by Benoit Villette
Two species are commonly encountered in the forests of Kaw Mountain. Green ebony (Tabebuia serratifolia) with bright yellow flowers is often the first to bloom followed closely by pink ebony (Tabebuia impetiginosa). In addition to the fact that they are regularly planted in gardens for their ornamental character, they also have excellent quality wood, sought after for the construction of buildings or furniture, indoors and outdoors.
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Lancements 2022
Vol 259 Ariane 5